Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Preschool Storytime: Friends

I visited a local elementary school who has a preschool program as a part of the school.  I visited a group of three or four classes in the morning, and then returned that afternoon and presented another one to a group of three or four smaller classes.  What I'm going to list is a sort of combination of what I did each time for the theme of friends!

Hello song: "My Hand Waves Hello"

Flannel board hides behind: crayons

Fingerplay: "Hickory Dickory Dock"

Book: Edward the Emu by Sheena Knowles

Book: I Will Surprise My Friend by Mo Willems

Fingerplay: "Roll, Roll, Sugarbabies"

Flannel board story made from: My Red Umbrella

This image was uploaded onto Amazon.com by Volunteers of Americas--thanks!

Flannel board story made from: A House for Birdie by Stuart Murphy

Fingerplay: "Clap Your Lap"

Prop story made from: Thank You Bear by Greg Foley

Storycards made from: Henry and Amy by Stephen Michael King

Storycards made from: Now I Eat My ABCs by Pam Abrams

Fingerplay: "Two Little Blackbirds"

Book: Big Frog Can't Fit In by Mo Willems

Goodbye song: "Goodbye, So Long, and See You Soon"