Friday, March 5, 2010

Storytime: Apples!

The theme this time was apples for this open storytime (children ages 0-5 with their parents/caregivers).

Hello song: "My Hand Waves Hello"

Flannel board hides behind: apples

Fingerplay: "Hickory Dickory Dock"

Book:  All for Pie, Pie for All by David Martin

Flannel board story (library-made) called"Ten Red Apples"

Prop story based on the book Eating Apples by Gail Saunders-Smith

Song: "Beanie Bag Dance" from Kids in Action by Greg and Steve  (with bean bags)

Fingerplay: "Roll, Roll, Sugarbabies"

Storycard (library-made): "Sammy the Snake"

Book: Lemons are not Red by Laura Vaccaro Seeger

Story cards based on the book Little Mouse and the Big Red Apple by A.H. Benjamin

Book: Ten Red Apples by Pat Hutchins

Goodbye song:  "My Hands Say Thank You"

Extra books:
The Apple Pie Tree by Zoe Hall
Rain Makes Applesauce by Julian Scheer

Song: "My Hands Wave Hello"
(To the tune of "The Farmer in the Dell")

wave hand hello

My hand waves hello,

my hand waves hello!

Every time I see my friends,

my hand waves hello.

-then choose another body part with which to wave-

wave feet hello

My feet wave hello,

my feet wave hello!

Every time I see my friends,

my feet wave hello.

-repeat as many times as desired with different parts, i.e. hair, elbows, head, etc.)

Fingerplay: "Hickory Dickory Dock"
Hickory dickory dock
Tap lap, alternating hands
The mouse runs up the clock
Use two fingers to run up arm
The clock strikes one
Clap once
The mouse runs down
Use two fingers to run down arm
Hickory dickory dock
Tap lap, alternating hands
Hickory dickory dock
Tap lap, alternating hands
The mouse runs up the clock
Use two fingers to run up arm
The clock strikes two
Clap twice
The mouse says, "whew"
wipe brow
Hickory dickory dock
Tap lap, alternating hands
Hickory dickory dock
Tap lap, alternating hands
The mouse runs up the clock
Use two fingers to run up arm
The clock strikes three
Clap three times
The mouse goes "whee!!"
Slide two fingers down arm
Hickory dickory dock
Tap lap, alternating hands
Hickory dickory dock
Tap lap, alternating hands
The mouse runs up the clock
Use two fingers to run up arm
The clock strikes four
Clap four times
The mouse says, "no more"
wave finger
Hickory dickory dock
Tap lap, alternating hands

Fingerplay: "Roll, Roll, Sugarbabies"
Roll roll sugarbabies
spin fists in a circle in front of you
Roll roll sugarbabies
spin fists in front of you
push out
pull inward
Clap clap clap!
clap when you say clap
(repeat as many times as desired doing it fast, slow, big, tiny, etc.)

Song: "My Hands Say Thank You"
My hand says thank you with a clap clap clap!
Clap hands when you say clap
My feet say thank you with a tap tap tap!
Tap feet when you say tap
Clap clap clap!
Clap hands when you say clap
Tap tap tap!
Tap feet when you say tap
Do a turn!
Turn around
Take a bow!
(repeat if desired)

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