Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Storytime: Suns and Moons!

I presented this plan to a preschool storytime group.  These are children that are 3-5 years old and they attend by themselves.  We had fun reading about suns and moons!

Hello song: "My Hand Waves Hello"

Flannel board hides behind: suns and moons

Fingerplay: "Hickory Dickory Dock"
Book:  Kitten's First Full Moon by Kevin Henkes

Flannel board story based on the book Moongame by Frank Asch

Song: "Put Your Finger On" from the cd Feel the Music by Parachute Express

Fingerplay: "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes"

Storycards based on the book Goodnight, Owl! by Pat Hutchins

Flannel board story based on "Story of Spring"

Goodbye song: "My Hands Say Thank You"

Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown
The Sun's Day by Mordicai Gerstein
Where Does the Sun Go at Night? by Mirra Ginsburg
The Birth of the Moon by Coby Hol
What the Sun Sees/What the Moon Sees by Nancy Tafuri

Song: "My Hands Wave Hello"
(To the tune of "The Farmer in the Dell")
wave hand hello
My hand waves hello,
my hand waves hello!
Every time I see my friends,
my hand waves hello.
-then choose another body part with which to wave-
wave feet hello
My feet wave hello,
my feet wave hello!
Every time I see my friends,
my feet wave hello.
-repeat as many times as desired with different parts, i.e. hair, elbows, head, etc.)

Fingerplay: "Hickory Dickory Dock"
Hickory dickory dock
Tap lap, alternating hands
The mouse runs up the clock
Use two fingers to run up arm
The clock strikes one
Clap once
The mouse runs down
Use two fingers to run down arm
Hickory dickory dock
Tap lap, alternating hands
Hickory dickory dock
Tap lap, alternating hands
The mouse runs up the clock
Use two fingers to run up arm
The clock strikes two
Clap twice
The mouse says, "whew"
wipe brow
Hickory dickory dock
Tap lap, alternating hands
Hickory dickory dock
Tap lap, alternating hands
The mouse runs up the clock
Use two fingers to run up arm
The clock strikes three
Clap three times
The mouse goes "whee!!"
Slide two fingers down arm
Hickory dickory dock
Tap lap, alternating hands
Hickory dickory dock
Tap lap, alternating hands
The mouse runs up the clock
Use two fingers to run up arm
The clock strikes four
Clap four times
The mouse says, "no more"
wave finger
Hickory dickory dock
Tap lap, alternating hands

Fingerplay: "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes"
Touch each body part as you say it
Head, shoulders, knees, and toes
Knees and toes!
Head, shoulders, knees, and toes
Knees and toes!
Eyes and ears and mouth and nose
Head, shoulders, knees, and toes
Knees and toes!
(then you can do it in slow motion, super-fast, etc.)

Goodbye Song: "My Hands Say Thank You"
My hand says thank you with a clap clap clap!
Clap hands when you say clap
My feet say thank you with a tap tap tap!
Tap feet when you say tap
Clap clap clap!
Clap hands when you say clap
Tap tap tap!
Tap feet when you say tap
Do a turn!
Turn around
Take a bow!
(repeat if desired) 


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